
Be deprived of peasants' property rights! Already deprived?

The state council premier wen jiabao 27 in attend central rural work conference stressed, where the right to the contracted management of land, the collective income distribution and so on, it is the law gives farmers' legal rights to property, no matter whether they need in order to make basic support, and whether they are in rural or into the town, anyone has no right to deprived. Wen jiabao stressed that promote collective land expropriation system reform,baseball hats the key is to protect farmers' land property rights, the distribution of land conversion and urbanization good appreciation income generated. Should see, our country economy development level had the very big enhancement, and cannot be further by sacrifice farmers' land property rights reduce industrialization urbanization cost, it is necessary, also have greatly improve conditions in appreciation income of farmers land distribution proportion. The author thinks that, of rural residents, where the right to the contracted management of land, the collective income distribution and so on, it is the law gives farmers' legal rights to property, and had the right to farmers. But, in reality, the basic unit government departments to deprive the situation is not uncommon. The deprivation of events has already occurred, how to do? How to remedy? The relevant departments shall, in accordance with the prime minister described the basic principles of speech, as soon as possible to make specific compensating measures for illegal deprivation farmers property rights should be understood the disciplinary action.polarized sunglasses If you don't solve the problem has already happened, so the future similar problems will not protect against, "farmers' lawful property rights anyone has no right to deprive" will become just theoretical principles.

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