
Indian medicine enterprises planning to buy the poor implementation by the light provoked a doctor only turn away wrath

According to media 3 days to report, India ZhongYangBang 12 doctors with infants and other cognitive difficulties patients "private try" drugs, incurred survey. However, regulatory agencies to these doctors per person only a 5000 rupees ($94) fine, at that time the public outcry. Drug regulations block survey anand · Mr Doctor is planning to storm off the black people. He complained to the authorities, ZhongYangBang printed dole without notice some doctors,baseball hats patients cases will take patients test new drugs, and object is usually children and cognitive impairment patients. It is reported test drugs including treatment sexual dysfunction drug, etc. In this incident, and doctors are each 5000 rupees ($94) punishment. British media say authorities of the punishment of the reasons given these doctors are not the test is not about new drugs to their patients, but did not report supervision department. Punishment why do so light, analysts say, some regulations are investigators publicly drug testing truth. For example, ZhongYangBang although punishment made to a doctor, but the doctor did quoted surveyed 1945 edition of the medicine and cosmetics provisions of part of the terms to the search party to provide refused to the details of drug testing. ZhongYangBang government explained, drug testing program is protected by law, and investigators survey by. Medicine enterprises "buy" the poor planning that after the punishment, Mr To media to express anger and disappointment. He thinks that, and so does not help stop drug testing punishment continues, "in not informed patient cases drug test, this is a kind of criminal." ZhongYangBang parliament the opposition accused the government of this "inhuman felony" punished light. Opposition party leaders, jai wanigesinghe singh said, "these are used to test the drug poor, are they life victims only worth 5000 rupees... we ask the central fbi get involved." One anonymous doctor told the media, India lack of effective legal supervision drug tests, some pharmaceutical companies and hospitals often in remote and economic backward areas "buy" the poor involved in drug tests. Mr Also says India each year, there are a number of participants because of clinical drug testing and illness or death, only concrete Numbers, there is no statistics. He said, "the existing clinical research moral standard cold...... I'm afraid." WangLiChen (xinhua feature) s link with eight babies is planning to this kind of drug testing in India is not fresh, at this stage of the planning believed to millions. India media 2 days to report the other children with drug tests. ZhongYangBang a remote area 20 infants are test called a "bonnie's" drugs, medical personnel tried to use these children of this drug testing to children tuberculosis and malnutrition curative effect. Report says the children, the average age for 19 months, the youngest, only eight months old. A drug test in the doctor said,mlb jerseys "little" test number, but having a child the illness is serious, the results showed, drug efficacy significant. Reports said that, in addition to the 20 children outside, ZhongYangBang other region another 100 age children also is for "bonnie's" "with body planning", the relevant they participate in the location of the test information such as the unknown. The chronicle of the web site, "said criticism, malnourished children were as a" mice ".

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