
From the butterfly effect to super unicom device globalization s

The butterfly effect speak all things for a reason, place, a small change, can lead to very far away in the big change. Asset price changes are also have reasons, is in the butterfly effect. For short-term changes in the price of change that valuations, affect it butterfly is interest, wings is that the change of inciting interest. The most clever money is flying high above the earth, and wearing the Hubble telescope. Where there is the valley, these money where competing in above. Because China now or capital controls countries, that money can't come, so they chose the funds in Hong Kong depressions landing,cheap oakley sunglasses led to the value of the Chinese have no money to fill in the valley of the first 21 years of wonders. Why the domestic money not to fill in the depression? The answer in the "dark" interest. Relative to A fixed 10%-15% of the financial product is concerned, six times the PE share out bonus A shares of the Banks and the advantages of the attraction is not obvious, on the big money is concerned, depression is the high product, and the non-bank dividend stock market in the empty. By implement the linked exchange rate and the Hong Kong dollar interest rates than mainland capital more low, relatively speaking, China's big blue chip valuations nature is value the valley, this also explains why most of the Hong Kong China blue chip your domestic reasons. My investment relativity, not out from miss. The error is application of people, including no application good this a myself. The total value on the white city interest, forget the exchange rate of around the world Rogers black market logic of the generalized connotation. The black market is real money benchmark prices, and the comparison of the city is filled with the countdown benchmark should refer to the black market, rather than the same period of the national publication the reciprocal of the interest on loans. Super unicom device will come of age, unless China does not like to have their own domestic financial center, unless capital controls never relax. Blue chip value will appear more of the depression, when the black market interest rates fall. Note: the funds of all the hover over the investment,nba jerseys including resources, real estate, such as gold, the method is completely consistent, are expected return of high and low.

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